26 Apr What to eat to prevent cellulite
Cellulite is a very common imperfection, and every woman would gladly live without it. If it is true that there is no magic diet capable of making cellulite disappear in an instant, it is equally true that there are some foods that, thanks to their properties, can give us a hand.
Diet against cellulite must be rich in:
- fruits and vegetables,
- sources of vitamins,
- mineral salts (especially potassium which helps prevent and fight water retention),
- antioxidants.
Choosing different colored fruits and vegetables ensures a varied and constant supply of all vitamins and antioxidants. We should take 3 portions of fruit and 2 portions of vegetables every day, even in the form of centrifuged or extracts.
Other useful foods to fight against cellulite are whole grains and legumes which, thanks to their good fiber content, prevent an excessive increase in blood sugar from occurring.
Thanks to its intake of omega-3 fatty acids, fish has an anti-inflammatory action. Even white meat can be useful (by choosing lean cuts) for the good supply of proteins and iron, an essential mineral for the formation of hemoglobin, a molecule responsible for transporting oxygen to all the cells of the body.
Water is essential for proper hydration and to prevent fluid retention. The ideal is to take a couple of liters a day, even in the form of herbal teas, flavored water or green tea.
In addition to nutrition, there are numerous aesthetic treatments that can help solve this imperfection but, the first step to combat cellulite is to recognize it starting with a correct analysis, which can be carried out by contact thermography, an examination that allows you to classify cellulite stages (absent, edematous, fibrous, sclerotic) highlighting the state of the underlying tissues.
This is an analysis that uses liquid crystal plates which, after being placed on the skin in the area to be analyzed, highlights (through high-resolution color images) the condition of cellulite.
Furthermore, contact thermography allows to detect the presence of cellulite even when it is not yet visible to the naked eye or detectable on palpation in order to act in a preventive perspective.
Being an analysis totally free of side effects and contraindications, it can be repeated several times over time in order to evaluate and track the progress of the treatment.
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