Fight cellulite with radial acoustic wave treatments

    Holidays have probably put many people a strain having to strip their daily clothes (which help covering some imperfections) in favour of the swimsuit and, most likely, feeling some discomfort in front of other women with well-groomed bodies and without the classic signs of cellulite.

    This may have brought the desire to take action to prepare for the next season: in this case, a new anti-cellulite treatment based on radial acoustic waves can help.

    It is a machine, approved by the National Health Service, which favours the activation of metabolic processes by improving the elasticity of the connective tissue.

    The radial acoustic waves promise immediate results that can be found in an improvement in the microcirculation and a firmed and radiant skin: this is thanks to the pulsating action that makes them suitable for the treatment of cellulite and for the remodeling of the body, and they are also not dangerous for our skin.

    This technology is also suitable for the treatment of stretch marks, thanks to its ability to restore elasticity and tone to the treated areas.

    We remind you that at the base of every treatment there should always be a correct identification of the stage of cellulite and this can be done by contact thermography: an examination based on the use of liquid crystal thermographic plates which, placed on the skin of the area to be analyzed, allow to view (through high resolution color images) the composition of the underlying layers.

    In this way it is possible to classify cellulite into one of its 4 stages (absent, edematous, fibrous and sclerotic) and keep track of the evolution of the condition after each treatment. This is possible because the thermographic analysis is an examination free of any contraindication, indicated to anyone and absolutely painless.

    The system is a 100% Made in Italy product and is manufactured by IPS, a company with many years of experience in the sector. Furthermore, in the Bodytherm version, the interpretation of the results is assisted by an iOS application that helps the operator in the correct classification.

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