The 5 main causes of localized adiposity

    Localized adiposities are particularly concentrated on the belly and hips, or in specific regions that become the preferential “reservoir” for the accumulation of excess lipids.

    The causes of localized adiposity are:

    • gender: men usually show fat around the abdomen while women are more affected on the buttocks, thighs, and hips, suffering more from this problem;
    • age: the phenomenon usually occurs after the age of 40, when there is a drop in oestrogen and testosterone, as well as an increase in insulin: all factors that favour the accumulation of fat;
    • hereditariness: genetic predisposition can be a cause and must be kept under control with a balanced diet and a regular program of physical activity;
    • incorrect diet and absence of physical activity: two determining factors for the accumulation of localized adiposity. Those who practice sports and take care of their diet have a more active metabolism that favours the maintenance of a healthy weight;
    • greater sensitivity to certain hormones: a low level of testosterone associated with a high level of cortisol tends to favour the accumulation of abdominal adiposity, while an increase in oestrogen leads to an accumulation in the areas of the thighs, buttocks, and calves.


    How to intervene on localized adiposity

    The best weapon against localized adiposity is prevention: for this reason, it is always important to contact a specialized center, able to carry out a thermographic analysis, a particular analysis which, resting a microencapsulated liquid crystal plate on the area to be monitored, allows you to have a high-resolution colour image that reflects the situation of the underlying tissues.

    Thanks to contact thermography, therefore, it will be possible to distinguish soft adiposity from hardened adiposity, thus allowing the professional to recommend the best aesthetic or medical aesthetic treatment for our condition.

    The thermographic analysis is easy, painless, and can be performed on anyone; given its very high sensitivity, moreover, it is possible to move in a preventive perspective as the system is able to show the very first accumulations when still not visible to the naked eye or detectable on palpation.

    Being totally free of contraindications, contact thermography can be repeated several times, over time, to monitor the actual progress of the treatments.

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