Stubborn cellulite? Try Cryoporation!

    Diet and sport are the two key pillars to eliminating cellulite, perhaps also assisted by lymphatic drainage massages, which can help by acting on the lymphatic circulation (which, if slowed down, causes stagnation of liquids and swelling), rehabilitating it through manipulation.

    To eliminate the most stubborn imperfections of cellulite, however, all this may not be enough, so you can consider the idea of ​​undergoing an aesthetic cryporation treatment that uses low temperatures in combination with special cryocosmetics: in this way, it will be possible to counteract the imperfection in the classic areas of accumulation such as hips, buttocks and thighs.

    Cryocosmetics guarantee infiltration without the use of needles and, through a pleasant cold massage, vigor and firmness are given to the skin, all through the use of a special handpiece.

    Once the active ingredients have penetrated deeply, they will begin their real work by acting on the tissues affected by cellulite, restoring elasticity and firmness.

    The cryoporation treatment has an average duration of 30 minutes but can vary according to the size of the area to be treated and the condition of the tissues: don’t worry, your trusted beautician will be able to best set the treatment based on your specific condition.

    Once the session is over, you may notice some slight redness in the treated areas but it will be possible to return to normal daily activities immediately.

    Importance of a correct diagnosis

    What is increasingly evident as a decisive factor in the elimination of cellulite is above all a correct diagnosis. Any anti-cellulite treatment, of whatever type (cosmetic, aesthetic, or medical), should always start with a thermographic analysis.

    It is easy, especially for non-professionals, to confuse the imperfection with simple water retention or skin laxity; for this, IPS s.r.l. has patented a Made in Italy product, contact thermography: a special technology capable of identifying the presence and stage of cellulite.

    Its operating principle is based on high-resolution liquid crystal plates, which placed on the area to be analyzed, show its subcutaneous composition, allowing to identify the presence of nodules, stasis, and water retention: a fast, repeatable, and suitable for anyone, since it does not present any kind of side effect or invasiveness.

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