Remove sclerotic cellulite with micro-infiltrations

    As we have seen in our previous articles, cellulite can be classified into 3 stages (with increasing severity): oedematous, fibrous and sclerotic.

    When the sclerotic stage is reached, there can be great aesthetic and physiological repercussions: the skin is flabby and with a conspicuous orange peel imperfection, the tissues are fibrous and characterized by nodules and, in the most serious cases, it begins to be painful touching it.

    What can we do in these more serious cases?

    First of all, it is necessary to start from a correct cellulite analysis: like this we will be able to have a clear idea of ​​the situation in order to act in the most appropriate way.

    How? Through contact thermography, an entirely Made in Italy technology that uses special microencapsulated liquid crystal plates to be placed on the area to be analyzed: in a few seconds a high-resolution color image will be clear and will reflect the situation of the underlying tissues.

    Contact thermography is able to detect minimal conditions of cellulite (even when not yet visible to the naked eye or detectable on palpation) allowing to act in a preventive perspective before the first imperfections begin to appear.

    We are talking about a totally free of contraindications, non-invasive and painless examination, which can be done by anyone: this is why it is also excellent for keeping track of the progress achieved after each treatment.

    In case of sclerotic cellulite, a medical approach may also be necessary: ​​for this reason, today, we will talk about micro-cutaneous infiltrations based on enzymes and hyaluronic acid, an aesthetic medicine treatment capable of acting on localized adiposities, significantly reducing the imperfection of orange peel skin.

    In this way it will be possible to improve the skin tone and, at the same time, carry out a real anti-inflammatory action.

    This mix of enzymes also improves circulation and oxygenation.

    A non-invasive treatment that allows you to immediately return to normal daily activities.

    Before try these micro-infiltrations, a visit with the aesthetic doctor is required in order to evaluate both condition of cellulite and the most suitable type of enzymes on a case-by-case basis.

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