11 Gen How to intervene on localized adiposity
Right now, that we are in the middle of winter, it is important to take care of your body in view of the summer. Thanks to heavy clothing and socks, localized fat deposits are hidden and not visible to the eyes of others, but we must be aware that it is important to intervene first to be ready for the summer. First of all, it is important to intervene with a diet aimed at weight loss and with moderate physical activity, alongside we can help ourselves with treatments that can show real miracles and improve the appearance of our body.
To eliminate subcutaneous accumulation, it is possible to resort to a subcutaneous lipoemulsion intervention, a minimally invasive solution that allows reducing the volume of the calves through the use of a cannula with a cavitational effect: it emits multi-frequency ultrasounds that dissolve the accumulated fat.
In all cases, we always start from an analysis of the localized adiposity through the use of contact thermography, a special technology, based on the use of microencapsulated liquid crystal plates, which allows identifying the subcutaneous fat layers by showing them through high-resolution color images: in this way it is possible to distinguish soft adiposity from hardened adiposity to set the most correct treatment. As this is a non-invasive examination with no contraindications, it can be carried out several times over time to view all the progress of the treatment.
Once this analysis has been carried out and the correct diet established with the nutritionist, it is possible to move on to treatments such as:
- cryolipolysis: available in both aesthetic and medical aesthetic versions, it is based on the principle of freezing, bringing the treated area to temperatures close to zero. In this way, a cellular apoptosis process is activated which leads to the death of fat cells which will then be expelled through the lymphatic system.
- laserlipolysis: a non-invasive liposuction based on the use of a high-frequency laser that selectively melts the fat cells through the heat given off by the laser. This treatment is also indicated for skin laxities.
- ultrasonic cavitation: through the use of ultrasound, the fat cells are made to implode, breaking them down gradually and painlessly, and then expel them through the lymphatic system.
- use of draining creams or creams with thermogenic action.
They are all effective and minimally invasive treatments that allow, right from the start, the return to normal everyday activities. For all three, proper hydration is highly recommended for the following period, in order to favour the disposal of all accumulated toxins.
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