Cellulite: the nutritional approach based on antioxidants

    Cellulite, as we all know, is a multifactorial disorder characterized by an increased accumulation of fat in the lower limbs that creates vascular problems of venous or lymphatic stasis.

    This problem leads to impaired circulation with a reduced flow of blood and oxygen into the tissues with a consequent increase in the production of free radicals (substances capable of damaging the cell membrane and modifying its permeability with important consequences for the metabolic functions of the cells).

    Poor oxygenation also leads to the worsening of the condition of cellulite since it reduces lipolysis and increases the production of lactic acid by the adipose tissue, inhibiting the mobility of subcutaneous fat.

    An increased production of free radicals causes significant damage to the cell membrane with poor absorption of nutrients and poor ability to eliminate toxins and harmful products. To improve this condition, before it becomes chronic, it is necessary to take an adequate number of antioxidants or substances that work as a shield against free radicals, allowing the formation of new cells, thus improving the appearance of the skin and health in general.

    Antioxidants are found in fresh fruits and vegetables (e.g. tomatoes that are rich in lycopene or apricots and carrots rich in carotene) or in specific supplements available on the market.

    We always advise against do-it-yourself, instead we suggest that you always contact a nutritionist who will be able to help you both from a dietary point of view and from the point of view of micronutrient supplement; even better if equipped with contact thermography, a special technology capable of detecting the presence and stage of cellulite (absent, oedematous, fibrous, sclerotic) in a completely easy and fast way.

    Thermographic analysis of cellulite is based on the use of liquid crystal thermographic plates which, after being placed on the skin area to be analyzed, highlight the vascular situation of the underlying layers through color images in HD: in this way it will be possible to detect the actual degree of cellulite and the presence of nodules. Furthermore, thermography also works from a preventive point of view since it is able to detect its presence even when it is not visible to the naked eye or detectable on palpation.

    It is an easily repeatable exam, that is why it can be carried out several times, maybe to keep track of the progress of the diet program as well as to understand whether it is necessary to use a cosmetic, aesthetic or medical aesthetic approach.

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